
Mission Statement

The Counseling Department Graduate Student Organization’s (CDGSO) mission is to establish a sustainable community within Saint Mary’s College of California to provide graduate students with the opportunity for personal and professional development to be better prepared to impact the community around them.



CDGSO aims to offer a uniquely personal and academic resource to all Counseling Department graduate students. By providing professional development opportunities, career networking events, team building engagements, and being the liaison between faculty and students, CDGSO will work to create a sustainable community that promotes overall mental health and wellness. Building community on a personal level will enable students to foster growth and enhance their professional lives to better prepare them for a successful future.


What We Offer

We aim to offer professional development opportunities to our members including programs such as resume building, interview preparation, and alumni networking events. CDGSO also offers certificated trainings throughout the academic year and is working to bolster involvement in community events.


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